Update Problem von 1.1.0 auf 1.1.2

Automatisches update startet , wird aber nicht beendet . Nicht nach 5 min und auch nicht nach 6 Stunden.
10 versuche mit neustart schon probiert über zwei Tage.
Was kann man noch tun? 


  • Ja ein Problem das ab 1.1.0 der installer beim update gekillt wird. Die Losung wie im changelog vorgeschlagen ist:

    If you update from Linux with Repetier-Server 1.1.0 or 1.1.1 you need to
    run the update manually from ssh console using this command:

    sudo /usr/local/Repetier-Server/bin/RepetierInstaller /usr/local/Repetier-Server/etc/RepetierServer.xml

    Damit scheint es problemlos zu klappen.
  • What about on a pi? I'm having the same issue, and the above command does not work. No such file or directory.
  • If you had a previous install it should work. 
    Newer pi images also have a command


    to install latest version manually.

    Otherwise paste this (same as installscript) into ssh console:

    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ARMv6


    cd /home/pi

    rm RepetierServerLatest.deb

    if [ "$IS_V6" == "0" ] ; then

      echo "Raspberry Zero or 1 detected, installing armel version..."

      wget http://download.repetier.com/files/server/debian-armel/RepetierServerLatest.deb


      echo "Raspberry with v7 or newer command set found. Installing armhf version..."

      wget http://download.repetier.com/files/server/debian-armhf/RepetierServerLatest.deb


    sudo dpkg -i RepetierServerLatest.deb

    rm RepetierServerLatest.deb

  • null
    That's not comprensibile and it's not comprensibile for a paid software.
    You should make a procedure to do the update if it don't work automatically (as should do).
    I have a raspberry pi with repetier server 1.1.0.
    Tried to update automatically (as i do since today), but nothing: stuck for 40 mins.
    Then, tried via ssh as wrote in update changelog (but that says for Linux), and nothing: command not found.
    So now, how to update it?! Do i have to download latest pi image, transfer to the server and sending some ssh code?!
    EXPLAIN US, please.
  • As you see from release times we fixed the autoupdater the day we found out it was broken. Unfortunately it was a "improvement" added, after we run update tests so it went unnoticed.

    Which solution did not work and what was the error message in ssh? With changelog method and above 2 solutions there are 3 ways. You can also add the official solution to add it manually which also works. That makes 4 possible alternatives.
  • Repetier said:
    Ja ein Problem das ab 1.1.0 der installer beim update gekillt wird. Die Losung wie im changelog vorgeschlagen ist:

    If you update from Linux with Repetier-Server 1.1.0 or 1.1.1 you need to
    run the update manually from ssh console using this command:

    sudo /usr/local/Repetier-Server/bin/RepetierInstaller /usr/local/Repetier-Server/etc/RepetierServer.xml

    Damit scheint es problemlos zu klappen.
    Danke, mit diese Methode hat es funktioniert .
    Einfach mit Putty oder Windows powerShell anmelden.
    Windows PowerShell starten und folgende befehle eingeben.
    ssh 192.xxx.xxx.xx (IP vom eigenem Repetier-Server)
    (password): xxxxx
    sudo /usr/local/Repetier-Server/bin/RepetierInstaller /usr/local/Repetier-Server/etc/RepetierServer.xml


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