Timelapse - problem on change of configurations.

I have the issue on change of timelapse configurations.
Whan I save the timelapse configurations, camera image has disconnected.
Verifying the log have this message:

2018-10-29 12:13:04: Handling action 'setPrinterConfig' caused error get_value< real > called on null Value

This is always happening.
If I save for 2x the camera works again. (sometimes)


  • Ok, sounds like a float value was given in wrong format here. Depending on country float number use . or , for fractions. Using the wrong type somewhere might cause the problem. Will try to analyse it for next update, but you still will need to give it in right format.
  • It seems resolved after upgrading to v.0.90.7

    I'll inform you if the error occurs again.
    It does not seem to be the wrong type on the float. Because trying for 2x works.

  • Yes in 0.90.7 I had fixed something with wrong format. Just do not remember exactly what it was :-) So I guess that was exactly your problem.
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