License - Issue (Number of Licenses exceeded)
Hi, i'm working on a Raspeberry PI 3b and with Repetier 0.86.2 - (Image Repetier-Server-Image_0_86_2_v8) and also with a Windows-Version (0.86.2) but now it comes up that my Licenses will be exceeded. I'm very very sure that i've every time deleted the License before i've removed my Installations. This was done multiple times due to issues with my Hardware used (sometimes i've tried to use octoprint instead or a different Pi, ...).
How can i reset my Installations otherweise i'm not able to participate of the Performance of my Server for Speed (therefore i need the API-Access).
How can i reset my Installations otherweise i'm not able to participate of the Performance of my Server for Speed (therefore i need the API-Access).