no real connection


My printer runs on Arduino mega 2560 with ramps 1.4, marlin firmware.
the speed settings are all the same, in the Firmware, Windows and in Repetier.
But when I try to connect, all commands are waiting and extruder temp is 0.0°C.
I also tried other baudrates than 115200, and settings like disable reset on connect,
and the COM port settings are also correct, always the same. What am I missing?

thanks for any help!


  • To make search easier open in serial console in Arduino IDE and see if you see a response after connection. SHould be something like


    that means connection should work with the set baud rate. Since the serial console has no other settings it is a very good first test. If you see nothing, the firmware might not be installed/running correctly/using different baud rate. Arduino Mega boards can handle reset on connect correctly, so that shoudl also not be a problem.

  • I have tried to open serial monitor in Arduino Software, but if it's open, It refuses to connect in Repetier, it states that Port is busy, and if I connect it first in Repetier, I can't open up the serial monitor because of the same reason...
    I have tried on 3 computers now (2 with windows xp, 1 with win7), and with two different Ramps 1.4 on my arduino,
    always the same result, it's frustrating.
  • No no, you should open it in ide instead of host. Windows does only allow one programm opening a serial connection. Then you should see connection message in serial console and can send e.g.


    which should return a message. That way you know baud rate is ok and firmware present.
  • Ah, ok.
    I've sent M115, but no message returns...
  • Then try installing firmware with 115200 baud compiled in. Something is wrong with current version you have installed.
  • Well, it should be installed with 115200 baud compiled in, I have tried other baud rates as well. But compilation and upload always completes without any error messages. maybe there's just a hardware error on that board?

  • If you can upload you are using serial communication so at least that should work. Try disabling eeprom in case that has an effect. I'm not that familiar with marlin, we are repetier support after all..
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