How to use two fans with RUMBA board, one for hotend and other for PLA cooling

Hi, I'm fairly new to this hobby.
I have only tried repetier-firmware and host. And got my printer setup printing fairly nice boxes.
When I started out, I had problems because I always forget to turn on the fan on the extruder, so the plastic got clogged somewhere between the heatsink and heatbreak due to this.
It worked every time I didnt forget the extruder, so I found the setting in repetier firmware that automatically starts the Fan0 when the extruder gets above a specified temperature. For this to work I needed to set FEATURE_FAN_CONTROL to false.
However now I'm starting to learn more about calibration and PLA properties and think I need another fan to blow directly on the PLA while printing. I think I got 2 additional PWM capable pins (MOSFET) on my hardware but cannot get the firmware configuration to work out. Is this configuration possible and how?

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