Installed a long extruder, now it hangs too low on my Davinci 1.0. How do I lower the bed home?

edited August 2017 in Extruder & Bed
Here is a picture of the situation. The e3D Volcano hangs about 10mm lower than a standard e3d v6. Where can I adjust a setting to get my bed to home lower? or should I move the home switch down?

Repetier host v2.01
Firmware 0.92


  • If you have a Z-min home switch you will need to move it lower
    If you use a Z max home switch, you need to alter the Z max length in firmware
  • Do you mind me asking if you fixed your issue?
    If you did fix it can you tell me how you did it because I am having the same issue and I just cant seem to solve it.
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