Dual extruder.

I bought a new dual exterder fom my 3d print.
The controller is a rumba with repetier firmware 0.92.3.
I ask you if I can use one extruder with 1,75 mm. filament and the other one with 3 mm. filament.
Thanks for your attention.


  • The firmware will not mind different diameter. And in slicers you can also set diameter. Or you use volumetric extrusion and even slicer sees no difference.
  • Thanks for your quick answer.
    Have I to insert different value about motor steps resolution (steps per mm.) for each extruder, one for 1,75 mm. and one for 3 mm., inthe firmware configuration?
    Thanks again.
  • In firmware you enter steps per mm in, so it doe snot depend on filament diameter. If it is the same extruder it will be the same more or less. Since each extruder has it's own steps per mm you can set them just as needed by your calibration tests.

    Slicers get on the other side diameter 1.75 and 2.85 so they can compute the right distances, so be careful to mark diameter in filament names to select the right one.
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