Extruder 1 and 2 Stepper Not Moving - Axteeg X3 Pro board

Hello Repetier community,

I am very new at 3d Printing and I am seeking more experienced help. I know your time is valuable and I am super grateful for any help you can give to help me solve my problem.

I have built a Cartesian 3d Printer with 2 extruders, heated bed an Azteeg X3 Pro board, Viki LCD Screen, with a 12Volt 25Amp power supply.

Arduino Settings: 
Board: Arduino Mega or Mega 2560
Processor: ATMega 2560 (Mega 2560)
Programmer: Atmel STK500 development board

I have connected heated bed, stepper motors, extruders, power supply all according to its correct specs and diagrams provided by manufactures.

I have uploaded Repetier Firmware and am using Repetier Host to communicate with board and after many hours and a new computer I finally configured everything correctly and it is connected without any errors... BUT, I cannot get the Extruder 1 and 2 stepper motors to move, they do absolutely nothing when I try to manual move.

I have checked over 30 times the correct pins (Azteeg X3 Pro pins http://files.panucatt.com/datasheets/x3 … _reva.pdf) I think they are correct.

I have tried re-wiring every single possible way. I am almost certain I have it wired correctly because I got them to spin before. But I have been  playing around with Repetier firmware a lot, because heaters were not working. I finally got all the heaters to work properly, but now Ext1 and 2 stepper motors are not spinning. I think it is a configuration issue, but I could be completely off. Can anyone point me in the correct direction?

I am happy to post pictures if needed. I have uploaded the configuration.h files for your viewing.

Have a great day and thank you in advance for hearing me out.


  • Nice printer.

    Did you try cold or hot extrusion? Cold extrusion is normally prevented so you need to heat up first. In 0.92.4 you can send M302 S1 to enable cold extrusion. Also check eeprom settings and see if you have sensible steps per mm/acceleration/start/end speed set. 
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