Assistance with autolevel on delta. process wont complete, errors in terminal about illegal values.


  • I need assistance with auto leveling on a DELta printer. I believe i have followed your guides correctly,

    however i get illegal move errors when running G29.

    My Printer has an aluminum bed, and the sensor works, (it triggers at about .9mm off of the bed with the head providing friction on a piece of paper, so the z-Calib seems ok. it takes about .2 mm for the sensor to go from H to L (viewed with the M119 command.

    the tower offsets are set to 0. the endstop checking is set to run only when homing, the cables are drilled so there is no cross talk.

    probe repetitions seem to work, but the routine just won’t complete. I think its trying to do a cartesian level, not a delta level. I am using the Latest repetier firmware and built the config with the online config tool. my measurements are accurate, as well as my end stop, calibration, configuration, inverting and and pullup resistor settings. the printer homes in the correct directions, and the x and y axis moves are in the correct direction (- left or front + right or back)

    i really could use some assistance with the G29

  • I need assistance with auto leveling on a DELta printer. I believe i have followed your guides correctly,

    however i get illegal move errors when running G29.

    My Printer has an aluminum bed, and the sensor works, (it triggers at about .9mm off of the bed with the head providing friction on a piece of paper, so the z-Calib seems ok. it takes about .2 mm for the sensor to go from H to L (viewed with the M119 command.

    the tower offsets are set to 0. the endstop checking is set to run only when homing, the cables are drilled so there is no cross talk.

    probe repetitions seem to work, but the routine just won’t complete. I think its trying to do a cartesian level, not a delta level. I am using the Latest repetier firmware and built the config with the online config tool. my measurements are accurate, as well as my end stop, calibration, configuration, inverting and and pullup resistor settings. the printer homes in the correct directions, and the x and y axis moves are in the correct direction (- left or front + right or back)

    i really could use some assistance with the G29

    < 10:05:03 AM: Printed filament:90.75m Printing time:1 days 20 hours 46 min
    > 10:05:03 AM: N4 M111 S6 *67
    > 10:05:03 AM: N5 M111 S6 *66
    > 10:05:10 AM: N9 G28 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 *95
    < 10:05:10 AM: Info:Autoleveling disabled
    < 10:05:14 AM: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:264.759 E:0.0000
    < 10:05:14 AM: Info:Autoleveling enabled
    > 10:06:12 AM: N30 M322 S3 *115
    < 10:06:12 AM: Info:Autolevel matrix reset
    > 10:06:31 AM: N37 G28 *7
    < 10:06:31 AM: Info:Autoleveling disabled
    < 10:06:32 AM: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:264.759 E:0.0000
    < 10:06:32 AM: Info:Autoleveling enabled
    > 10:06:40 AM: N41 G131 *63
    > 10:06:53 AM: N47 G132 S2 *123
    < 10:06:53 AM: Info:Autoleveling disabled
    < 10:06:53 AM: Tower 1:0
    < 10:06:53 AM: Tower 2:0
    < 10:06:53 AM: Tower 3:0
    < 10:06:54 AM: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:264.759 E:0.0000
    > 10:07:14 AM: N54 G131 *59
    > 10:07:30 AM: N61 G132 S1 *124
    < 10:07:30 AM: Tower 1:0
    < 10:07:30 AM: Tower 2:0
    < 10:07:30 AM: Tower 3:0
    < 10:07:31 AM: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:264.759 E:0.0000
    > 10:07:43 AM: N66 G132 S1 *123
    < 10:07:43 AM: Tower 1:0
    < 10:07:43 AM: Tower 2:0
    < 10:07:43 AM: Tower 3:0
    < 10:07:44 AM: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:264.759 E:0.0000
    > 10:08:13 AM: N77 G29 *2
    < 10:08:13 AM: Z correction disabled
    < 10:08:13 AM: Error:Bpos x square 
    < 10:08:13 AM: Warning:Invalid delta coordinate - move ignored x:-1433 y:2866 z:2090
    < 10:08:13 AM: Warning:in queueDeltaMove to calculateDeltaSubSegments returns error.
    < 10:08:13 AM: Warning:moveToReal / queueDeltaMove returns error
    < 10:08:13 AM: Error:Bpos x square 
    < 10:08:13 AM: Warning:Invalid delta coordinate - move ignored x:-1490 y:2785 z:2372
    < 10:08:13 AM: Warning:in queueDeltaMove to calculateDeltaSubSegments returns error.
    < 10:08:13 AM: Warning:moveRelativeDistanceInSteps / queueDeltaMove returns error

  •  Warning:Invalid delta coordinate - move ignored x:-1433 y:2866 z:2090

    I guess your printer is not bigger then you? So please check your eeprom settings. I guess from some update you have some nonsense values there causing problems. That is the typical reason. Also make sure all points for the G29 square are reachable by the printer. Omitting the outer edges by option normally allows you a bigger square, but I do not think this is the problem here.
  • OK, i am going to check all values again, in the meantime i have an inductive probe set up now, it triggers fine, but i could use some help understanding the EEPROM values.
    The probe is functioning, it triggers at 1.79z, will go low again at 1.99z at x/y 0.0 and the nozzle is in light contact with the bed, but i want it to travel from grid to grid point at 5mm
    i am having difficulty understanding which value does what.
  • also how do i retrieve the distortion map data from the eeprom. i have a program that will visualize the data. it is asking for the g29 data 7 rows of 7 values.
  • On a delta Z_PROBE_BED_DISTANCE should be the planned distance to bed while probing.

    The only way to get G29 map is G29 which outputs it after being finished. Afterwards you will never see it again. Also remember the values are in steps not mm.
  • Thank you. important information.
    i have my delta built and measured pretty well, but i am still having problems with auto leveling with an inductive probe setup.
    I could use some clarification on a few things:

    Variables that affect probe and head movement. which are settable only during compile and which are settable/adjustable after the fact in EEPROM.

    What values on the web config tool set up in terms of variables in config.h etc.

    contact vs non contact probe considerations.
    values for contact probes are pretty easy to guess at, but can be tricky example, the probe offset for Roller/lever switches moves to  the outside of the switch as the probe lowers. for accurate probing, the offset should be set to the coordinates where the switch roller or lever tip contacts the bed when the switch is activated AT x0/y0. dry erase whiteboard marker on the bed or another visible substance on the bed is invaluable here (i have used tempra paint, chapstik and dry erase with succcess) then move the nozzle to the mark to get your offset.
    travel and height are pretty easily measured here.

    but i now have an inductive probe, offsets are larger, usually outside the effector radius. physical measurement of the probe height is irrelevant, inductive probe height is whats important, 

    which values can or should be positive or negative
    values for probe points x/y.
    how to increase safety margin and accuracy of the probe process.
  • i would like to have the probe start further from the bed, probe down then back up for travel. my current build seems to travel on the bed then pop up to take a measurement. this is causing the head to crash at the outside edges of the bed. do i have some values inverted?

    i have been putting in all values as positive numbers.

    When my nozzle is physically touching the bed X0, Y0, Z260, my probe is in a High state, verified with M119. it is physically offset Z+42.1 mm from the nozzle. (closer to the z tower than center).

    i move the probe physically over X0,Y0, Zmax to calibrate z, and to measure the probe H/L trigger point and range. there the probe will stay on as the nozzle lifts away from the bed and switch off at z 0.8

    Which values can or should be positive or negative in a delta printer? as i said, my probe appears to move up, not down.
  • when i attempt a g29 map it seems to start at an odd offset (too close to x0, y0). what controls the start point of the grid.
    i assume its the grid radius chosen on the first page of the web config. these coordinates appear to relate to delta inverse kinematics and the 3 'virtual towers"
    the coordinates are cartesian on the delta print area.
    the calculations are very complicated and dont mention a probe offset anywhere.

    the probe is in the same place as above, so the offset becomes a problem as the effector tries to leave the tower radius to allow the offset probe to map the bottom edge.

    i know the answer is "reduce the radius" but to what? do i have to calculate them, or just change something else to get the web config tool to generate the correct values?
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